Sunday 11 September 2016


have you ever heard of the cove?  - the cove is a dolphin drive in Taiji, Japan where from September till the end of march the hunt and kill dolphins to sell their meat or for captivity. dolphin project are an organisation helping to get the word out about this.  they get a team out to Taiji for the whole hunting period and keep you updated and posted on what's happening.

dolphin hunting is horrible. they hunters kill the dolphins and sell the meat , or sell them to sea parks and zoo's and introduce them to a life of captivity where they will probable never see the ocean again and be forced to do tricks all day long for peoples 'entertainment'.

before the documentary 'the cove' came out, the dolphin hunters were authorized to capture and kill 2300+ dolphins, since then it has been taken down to 16000. the hunters will herd a pod of dolphins into shallow water, before the documentary 'the cove'  they would stab the dolphins with long spears or fishing hooks, the amount of cruelty was outreageous. since then they have altered their killing methods.

some of this stuff is too cruel, to gruesome to even think about. what made humans do this?  how can we let this happen? together we can help the dolphin project put an end to this. we can get the word out about the cove and the drive fisheries and put an end to them.

how can you help?? you can help by spreading the word about this and dolphin project. you can also go to their website and donate. 

another big problem we are being faced with is - dolphin captivity.   you can read all about this on just a bit beachy blog as part of our collab.

all the information and images in this post was from the dolphin project website and for updates about the drive fisheries and other things you can follow them on instaG. Drive_Boats_Cove_RWilliams_10-122016/17 Drive Fisheries Quota, Taiji, Japan

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